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The rosary blessed by Pope John Paul II that Krzysztof Wielicki and Leszek Cichy deposited on the summit of Everest in the first ever winter climb of 1980, and that Martin Zabaleta collected as a testimony of the first Basque summit to Everest on 14th May 1980, is today the icon of the Basque-Polish brotherhood in Himalayism. An icon owned by EMMOA (Basque Mountaineering Museum Foundation) and which was shown at the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia mountain film festival to the coordinator of the Polish Institute of Culture in Madrid, Iwona Zielińska-Sąsiada.
Eduardo Martínez and Jabier Baraiazarra, President and Director of the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao Bizkaia at the closing ceremony of the 13th edition
Bilbao, 14th December 2020. The BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia International Mountain Film Festival has successfully celebrated its 13th edition. A total of 5,578 people have attended the screenings at Euskalduna, at Sala BBK and at the Golem cinemas in Bilbao.
The film "Hillary - Ocean to Sky" is the Grad Prize of the 13th edition of the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia mountain film festival. The film directed by Michael Dillon is about Sir Edmund Hillary's last grand expedition Ocean to Sky, where he embarks on a journey from the ocean, ascending the sacred waters of the Ganges in motorboats, to reach the virgin peak of Akash Parbat in the Himalaya.
The BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia mountain film festival started with a massive support of spectators. During the first three days of the festival, the sessions of the Euskalduna Palace and the Sala BBK were sold out, and the Golem Cinemas had a constant and numerous assistance too. 2000 spectators attended the face-to-face sessions, overcoming all the measures of the pandemic.
Gorka Martínez (BBK), Alberto Iñurrategi (alpinista), Lorea Bilbao (BFA-DFB), Eduardo Martínez (President Mendi Film), Iñaki López de Aguileta (Bilbao), Jabier Baraiazarra (Director Mendi Film), Mikel Renteria (WOP) and Andoni Iturbe (EJ-GV)
Bilbao, November 23, 2020. The 13th edition of BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia will be held from December 4 to 13. It will be a special edition, conditioned by the pandemic. This year the festival can be enjoyed in two ways: with screenings in Bilbao and the online offer for those who cannot attend Bilbao.
The best international mountain films will be screened in Bilbao during the 13th edition of the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia mountain film festival, from 4th to 13th of December. 54 films representing 18 countries will compete in the contest, bringing to Bilbao some of the best mountain cinema made in Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Oceania.
The Baltistan Fundazioa foundation, an international development cooperation NGO that works in the Pakistani Karakorum, will be recognized with the WOP-The Walk On Project 2020 Award of the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia festival. The award ceremony will be held during the 13th edition of the festival, between 4th and 13th of December 2020, in Bilbao.
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