Dear film directors and productors,
Thank you for submitting your film to the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia Mountain Film Festival!
There are already many productions received since we opened the registrations in spring. Many and of great quality. Our most sincere congratulations to each of you for being able to transmit the magic of mountain cinema through your films and your adventures.
In these times, it fully charges our energy batteries to continue working on the preparations for our 13rd edition that will be held between December 4 and 13, 2020 in Bilbao.
We are so excited!  And remember: if you haven't already done so, the submission period is still open. Top off the last details of the film and fill out the registration form by September 15.
Once the deadline is over, we will publish the list of #mendifilm2020's selected films as soon as possible.

Every film related to the following subjects is eligible for submission: alpinism, climbing, mountain and adventure sports, skiing, extreme sports, ecology, environment, ethnography, nature… Participation is restricted to those productions made from the 1st January 2018 onwards.

All the prizes of the Official Section will have an economic endowment in addition to the "Eguzkilore" Trophy. € 24,000 will be distributed in prizes.

Check the awarded films list at the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao - Bizkaia (2008-2019).



Grand Prize / Sari Nagusia / Gran Premio: “Eguzkilore” trophy & 6,000€

Best Director / Zuzendari Onena / Mejor Director/a: “Eguzkilore” trophy & 3,000€

Best Script / Gidoi Onena / Mejor Guion: “Eguzkilore” trophy & 2,000€

Best Cinematography / Argazkilaritza Onena / Mejor Fotografía: “Eguzkilore” trophy & 2,000€

Jury Award / Epaimahaiaren Saria / Premio del Jurado: “Eguzkilore” trophy & 2,000€

Best Mountaineering Film / Mendiko Film Onena / Mejor Película de Alpinismo: “Eguzkilore” trophy & 1,500€

Best Climbing Film / Eskalada Film Onena / Mejor Película de Escalada: “Eguzkilore” trophy & 1,500€

Best Culture & Nature Film / Kultura eta Natura Film Onena / Mejor Película de Cultura y Naturaleza: “Eguzkilore” trophy & 1,500€

Best Sport & Adventure Film / Kirol eta Abentura Film Onena / Mejor Película de Deporte y Aventura: “Eguzkilore” trophy & 1,500€

Best Short Film / Film Labur Onena / Mejor Cortometraje: “Eguzkilore” trophy & 1,000€

Best Film in Basque / Euskarazko Film Onena / Mejor Película en Euskara: “Eguzkilore” trophy & 1,000€

Audience Award / Ikusleen Saria / Premio del Público: “Eguzkilore” trophy & 1,000€