Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard drive or the memory of a computer when it accesses o visits certain websites, so that the computer user's preferences are stored in case they access the site again. Cookies stored in the computer's hard drive cannot read the data stored in the hard drive, or access personal information, or read the cookies created by other providers. 

Users of website are hereby informed that this type of technology is required for correct site operation. Specifically, the website includes cookies used for different purposes:

  • Identifying and recognizing registered users, by means of both their customer IDs and their webs server session IDs.
  • During the purchase process, in order to access the contents of the users’ shopping basket and thus be able to correctly process the purchases, without users having to add again to the basket the articles they had already selected.
  • Storing information regarding the products added to the shopping basket so that those may be available to users in subsequent sessions, even when they have closed their browser before completing their purchase.
  • Storing information in website categories in order to show them more quickly.
  • Storing the elements that the user has included in the list of compared products.
  • Identifying the preferred currency.
  • Identifying the language chosen by the user.
  • Having a store session start indicator.
  • Having an indicator of whether the cache is enabled or not, and whether the user is allowed to use it.
  • Notifying whether a message has been received.
  • Notifying whether a user has disabled cookies or not.
  • Allowing users to share information about the website in their social media, if they wish.

Browsing with cookies disabled

Users can, at all times, personalize their cookies, and also prevent collection of cookies by modifying the relevant option in their own browsers; the most usual browsers are:

  • Chrome: Chrome\Settings\Advanced settings\Privacy and Security\Site settings\Cookies\Block cookies by default.
  • Firefox: Options\Privacy\Tracking\Disable tracking from all websites.
  • Safari: Preferences\Privacy\Block all cookies.
  • Explorer: Tools\Internet Options\Privacy\Settings\scroll all the way up to block all cookies or all the way down to enable all cookies and then click OK.

Disabling all cookies can prevent some website sections from being correctly shown.

In order to remove the cookies from the website, you need to go to your browser's settings, search for the cookies associated to this domain and remove them.

Use of the website involves acceptance and consent of these cookies policies; if you do not wish to give your consent, please refrain from visiting the website as described under section “Website terms of use” of this legal notice.


Information on social media

In this section, we wish to inform users of our policies of use and processing of data for our social media.

In Facebook, when another user likes our profile and becomes a fan, they authorise us to use their personal data exclusively for the management of our Facebook page and for any two-way communication with our fans through the chat service, message service or other communications means provided by Facebook at any time.

However, such processing shall be subject to Facebook's own privacy policies, which can be consulted at: When you become a fan, you shall have access to the list of members or followers that have joined us.

Users must also be aware that, when they become a fan, any news published by us shall also appear in their timeline, and any comment made by them on our wall shall be accessible to all other fans, including their profile name and, if any, profile picture. In any case, the use that anyone makes of Facebook shall be their entire responsibility.

We shall not use any users’ personal data for any purpose other than those stated in the paragraphs above, and we shall refrain from sending information by any means other than Facebook.

If users wish to exert their rights of access, rectification, erasure and opposition recognized by the Organic Act on Personal Data Protection they must contact Facebook, since our scope of action is limited by the possibilities provided by Facebook.

However, users may unsubscribe to our page at any time by clicking on “Unlike”; this would prevent us any further access to your personal data, although Facebook may still show the comments that you have previously made in our wall.

In Twitter, users can follow us, and we can access information regarding those users that follow us, specifically, their username, profile picture (if any), and tweets posted, as well as any other information available from the user's profile, such as their followers and followed users; however, we shall not use this information.

Data from our Twitter followers are used exclusively to manage and answer tweets and Twitter conversations with our followers. Twitter’s privacy policy can be consulted at: