The Basque Mountaineering Federation EMF-FVM currently has a record number of almost 40,000 associate members. Both the Asociación Mendi Film Elkartea and the Federation are interested in the promotion of mountaineering among their members and the general public.

Zigor Egia, President of the EMF-FVM, and Eduardo Martínez, President of Mendi Film, signed the collaboration agreement for 2021. They were joined by Ricardo Hernani, member of the new board at EMF-FVM, and Jabier Baraiazarra, director of Mendi Film. 

Ricardo Hernani (EMF), Eduardo Martínez (Mendi), Zigor Egia (EMF) and Jabier Baraiazarra (Mendi) joined in Bilbao.

The EMF-FVM will collaborate by sharing Mendi Film’s news and events on its official magazine Pyrenaica and other social media. The Federation will also contribute with economic resources, which have been adjusted as per this year’s budget, and they have committed to providing Mendi Film with non-economic support, as the festival is of special interest for mountaineering in the Basque Country.

Mendi Film will offer EMF-FVM members discounts when purchasing tickets for the Opening Ceremony of the upcoming 14th edition (from the 3rd to the 12th of December 2021). The board of the Federation, as well as the three boards of the regional federations in the Basque Country (Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa), will participate in the events organized by Mendi Film during the festival.