The best international mountain films will be screened in Bilbao during the 13th edition of the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia mountain film festival, from 4th to 13th of December. 54 films representing 18 countries will compete in the contest, bringing to Bilbao some of the best mountain cinema made in Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Oceania.  


  • 175 films submitted, representing 36 countries. A record figure.  
  • 54 films have been selected for the Official Selection, representing 18 countries.  
  • Most of the films are from the United States (11), Spain (10) and France (7).  
  • Australia (1), Austria (1), Brazil (1), Canada (3), Finland (1), Germany (2), Greece (1), Italy (3), New Zealand (1), Norway (1), Poland (2), Slovakia (1), South Korea (1), Switzerland (3) and United Kingdom (3).  
  • 5 films that have been produced in the Basque Country, 4 of them in Basque, have decided to have their international premiere at this year’s Mendi Film.  
  • Premieres: 7 International premieres, 1 European premiere, 28 Spanish premieres and 18 Basque premieres. 
  • The Official Selection will distribute €24,000 in prizes under 12 nominations. 

Euskalduna, Golem, Sala BBK and on-line  

All these films, alongside the films from the non-competitive Zabalandi section, will be screened at the Euskalduna Palace, at Sala BBK and at the Golem Cinemas of Azkuna Zentroa in Bilbao. BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia will be held in our usual venues, surrounded by our audience, and in accordance with all the protective measures against Covid-19.  

And for the first time, BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia is going ONLINE: films from the Official Selection, round tables, conferences and special events that can be seen and enjoyed on demand, and at any time and place during the festival.  

The schedule will be announced in the next weeks.  


The Jury members of the Official Selection of this 13th edition of BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia are:  

  • Asier Altuna Iza, film director and screenwriter  
  • Paula Olaz Moratinos, composer of soundtracks for film, television, theatre, dance and video games  
  • Itziar García Zubiri, creative producer specialised in documentaries  
  • Iwona Zielińska-Sąsiada, cultural manager and coordinator of literature, music and sports projects at the Polish Cultural Institute (Instituto Polaco de Cultura) in Madrid  
  • Jon San Sebastián López, student of audio-visual media  


Official Selection 2020: The films  

A DREAM OF EDWIN DRUMMOND   | Dir: Paul Diffley / United Kingdom, 2020  

A PLEA FOR REFUGE   | Dir: Daniel Holmes / USA, 2019  

A THOUNSAND WAYS TO KISS THE GROUND   | Dir: Henna Taylor / USA, 2020  

ACONCAGUA, LA TRAVERSÉE SANS RETOUR   | Dir: Antoine Girard / France, 2020  

ALPINIST – CONFESSION OF A CAMERAMAN   | Dir: Minchul Kim / South Korea, 2019  

ATERPEAN ATERI   | Dir: Ruben Crespo Perez / Spain, Basque Country, 2020  

BEYOND THE BACKYARD: THE NATION’S RIVER   | Dir: Michael Stevens / USA, 2019  

BYC KOBIETA W HIMALAJACH (To Be a Woman in the Himalayas)   | Dir: Eliza Kubarska / Poland, 2018  

CARIE   | Dir: Achille Mauri / Italy, 2020  

CHARGE 2   | Dir: Anthony Bonello / Canada, 2020  

DER BÄR IN MIR (Bear-Like)   | Dir: Roman Droux / Switzerland, 2019  

DIE GROBE ZINNE (The Great Peak)   | Dir: Reinhold Messner / Italy, 2019  

EL GRAN HITO | Dir: Ignasi López Fábregas / Spain, 2020  

ÉRIC ESCOFFIER, LA FUREUR DE VIVRE   | Dir: Bertrand Delapierre & Séverine Gauci / France, 2020  

EVEREST – THE HARD WAY   | Dir: Pavol Barabás / Slovakia, 2020  

FORESIGHT   | Dir: Dario Tubaldo / Italy, 2020  

FREE AS CAN BE   | Dir: Samuel Crossley / USA, 2020  

HARDA – THE TOUGH   | Dir: Marcin Polar / Poland, 2019  

HERA’S ANGELS   | Dir: Constantine Papanicolau / Greece, 2019  

HILLARY - OCEAN TO SKY   | Dir: Michael Dillon / Australia, 2019  

INTO THE CANYON   | Dir: Peter McBride / USA, 2019  

IPARRALDEAN   | Dir: Romain Jamet / France, Basque Country, 2020  

JURRIA: GUARDIANES DEL GARROTE   | Dir: Pedro Cubiles Quintana / Spain, 2020  

L’ESCALADE LIBÉRÉE   | Dir: Benoit Regord / France, 2020  

LE MARATHON DE KATHERINE   | Dir: Nicolas Falquet / Switzerland, 2019  

LIFELINES   | Dir: Frank Kretschmann / Germany, 2020  

MENDIAN HIL, HIRIAN HIL   | Dir: Iñaki Peña Bandres / Spain, Basque Country, 2020  

METANOIA   | Dir: Florian Gassner / Germany, 2020  

MYRTLE SIMPSON: A LIFE ON ICE   | Dir: Leigh Anne Sldes / USA, 2019  

NORTH COUNTRY   | Dir: Nick Martini / USA, 2019  

ORIGENS, A GRANDE ESCALADA   | Dir: Murilo Vargas / Brazil, 2019  

OUT OF THE BLUE   | Dir: Davina Beyloos Montaz-Rosset & Sébastien Montaz-Rosset / France, 2020  

POLYFONATURA   | Dir: Jon Vatne / Norway, 2019  

PYRÉNÉISME D’HIER ET D’AUJOURD’HUI   | Dir: Laurence Fleury / France, 2019  

SALTO IS THE KING   | Dir: Pavol Barabás / Slovakia, 2020  

SHARED VISION   | Dir: Keith Partridge / United Kingdom, 2019  

SIN LÍMITE   | Dir: Daniel Fernández Cañadas / Spain, 2019  

SINGLEHANDED   | Dir: Stash Wislocki / USA, 2020  

SLACK SISTERS   | Dir: Kelly Greenheart / USA, 2020  

SPECIAL RUN   | Dir: Isabelle Häcki / Switzerland, 2019  

SPELLBOUND   | Dir: Richard Sidey / New Zealand, 2020  

SWEET HOME KAMCHATKA   | Dir: Pep Cuberes Esgleas & Xavier Esgleas Tarifa / Spain, 2020  

TENTE LAGUNILLA – UNA FILOSOFIA DE VIDA   | Dir: Javier Cuevas Caballero / Spain, 2020  


THE CHAIRLIFT   | Dir: Mike Douglas / Canada, 2020  

THE RED LAKE PARTY   | Dir: Vladimir Cellier / France, 2019  

THE TEARS OF SHIVA   | Dir: Mikel Sarasola / Spain, Basque Country 2020  

THE WURL   | Dir: Anthony Bonello / Canada, 2020  

THIS LAND   | Dir: Whit Hassett & Chelsea Jolly / USA, 2019  

UNDISCOVERED  | Dir: Chris Prescott / United Kingdom, 2019  

URMUGA   | Dir: Mattin Zeberio Larraza / Spain, Basque Country 2020  

VAELTAJAT - WANDERING IN THE WHITE   | Dir: Otto Heikola / Finland, 2019  

VALHALLA, CIELO DE ROCA   | Dir: Karel Downsbrough, Esteban Lahoz & Sergi Latorre, David López / Spain, 2020  

WHEN GLACIERS GO   | Dir: Corey Robinson / USA, 2020