The following Mendi Tours have been postponed:

  • Filma!-Sevatur-San Sebastián (M13-14, Kursaal)
  • Vielha e Mijaran (M14-15, Cinema Vielha)
  • Sevilla (M19, Cine Avenida)
  • Iruña-Pamplona (M23-24-25-26, Golem Baiona)
  • Santutxu/Bilbao (M23/25, Rincón del Viajero)
  • ...
  • Zaldibar (M26/A2, Liburutegi Zaharra)
  • Arratzu (M27, Kultur Aretoa)
  • Amurrio (M27, Amurrio Antzokia)
  • Hondarribia (M28-29, Itsas Etxea Auditoriuma)
  • Orona Fundazioa (A1, Orona Ideo, Hernani)
  • Irurtzun (A3, Kultur Etxea)
  • Teruel (A4, Teatro Marín)
  • Izaba (A10, Cine de Isaba)
  • Zumarraga (A23, Zelai Arizti)
  • Cangas de Onís (A25)
  • Arrasate (M12, Amaia Udal Antzokia)
  • Vigo (M12-13-14-15, Auditorio do Concello)
  • Camargo (M13-14, Centro Cultural la Vidriera)
  • Zarautz (M21-28, Modelo Aretoa)
  • Huesca (J5, Cine Victoria)


The decision has been reached with the organizers and collaborators of each site, in order to follow precautionary quarantine instructions from health authorities to prevent further spread of COVID-19 virus.

Therefore, we will soon evaluate the possibility of setting new dates for the aforementioned events.