The applicable regulations are:

REGLAMENTO (EU) 2016/679 DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO and of DEL CONSEJO of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)

Organic Law 3/2018, 5 December, on data protection and the guarantee of digital rights.


ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA cares for the personal data we process and we strictly comply with the current regulations regarding personal data processing (among others, Organic Act 15/1999, 13 December, on Personal Data Protection, and Royal Decree 1720/2007, 21 December, which approves the regulations that develop the Organic Act on Data Protection).
In this sense, we would like to inform our website users of ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA’s privacy policy regarding personal data processing, so they are sufficiently informed to decide whether they wish to provide us with their personal data when completing a form or sending us an e-mail.


Quality principle
Users of the are hereby informed that any personal data provided by them through the available forms and e-mail address are appropriate, accurate and not excessive with regard to their intended scope and legitimate and explicitly stated purposes.
These personal data shall not be used for purposes which are not compatible with those for which the data had been collected in the first place.
Personal data collected by us must be accurate and updated so that they accurately reflect the current situation of the data holder.
When personal data collected through our website are no longer required or appropriate for the purposes for which they were collected, they shall be cancelled by default.
Cancellation means the procedure by virtue of which we cease using these data. Cancellation involves blocking data, which entails identifying and reserving such data for the purposes of preventing them from being processed for any purposes except for making them available to the competent authorities or relevant courts and in relation to any liability arising from processing such data, and only within period before such liability expires. After this period of time has elapsed, data shall be erased.


Duty of information and cancellation
Users of website are hereby informed that any personal data collected through the provided forms and through the provided e-mail address will be included in a database, held by ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA, and users hereby authorise their data to be used for the appropriate management and answering of questions, suggestions and requests made by users through our website.

In each personal data collection form, the corresponding informative clause or legal notice has been included, stating the specific purposes for which the data are collected as well as any other requirements established by current regulation on personal data protection. Users must necessarily read and accept this informative cause before sending any communication; if they do not, the communication shall not be sent.


By virtue of the provisions of Article 9 and Title VIII of the Organic Act on Data Protection, ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA has adopted all required technical and organizational measures necessary for guaranteeing the security of personal data and preventing its unauthorized alteration, processing or access, considering the technical advances, the nature of the stored data and the risks such data are exposed to, whether arising from human action or from the physical or natural environment.


Secrecy duty
Pursuant to the provisions of article 10 of Organic Act on Personal Data Protection, all persons processing or accessing personal data from users are obliged to professional secrecy in relation to such data as well as to keep those data, for an indefinite period.


Assignment or communication of data
Personal data provided to us by our website users shall not, in any case, be communicated to third parties. Should, at any time, such data assignment be required, user consent would be previously sought, unless such consent was unnecessary according to a relevant Act or any of the exceptions included in article 11.2 of the Organic Act on Personal Data Protection.


Rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition

Users of the website may exert their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by addressing an appropriate request, together with a photocopy of their National Identity Document to the following address:

01001 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Araba) – Spain, or to the following e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA shall answer all requests on time and pursuant the current regulations regarding personal data protection.


Underage users

We kindly ask users to read the website policies regarding underage users under the “Legal Notice” section of this website.