Information and terms of use of the website

Legal information

Article 10 of Act 34/2002, 11 July, on Information Society Services and E-commerce establishes the obligation for all information society service providers to enable sufficient means that allow both serve recipients and competent authorities to electronically access certain information provided in this section in a permanent, user-friendly, direct and free manner.


Data of the website owner


CIF [Tax Identification Number]: G01503192

Registered address: Portal del Rey 14-3 dcha.

01001 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Araba) - Spain

Tel: +34 644 40 20 51

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Website terms of use:
When using this website, it is understood that the user has read, understood and accepted, entirely and without reserve, the terms of use, the privacy policy and any other warning or instructions stated on this website, and undertaking make good use of such website according to the laws, public order and ethical principles.
If the user does not agree, they must reran from using the website
ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA reserves the right to modify the contents, information or terms of this website, its terms of use, its privacy policies and other legal notices at any time. In such case, we shall inform users through the website or sending an informative e-mail to any person requesting it, so that they may decide whether they wish to continue using our website.
The website may feature links to third-parties’ websites or webpages, but does not accept any liabilities for such third-party sites, over which we have no control. For this reason, users shall be exclusively responsible for their access to the contents of such sites and for compliance with their corresponding terms of use.


Copyright and intellectual property rights
Users recognise and accept that all trademarks, trade names, distinctive designs, contents, all industrial and intellectual property rights and any other elements inserted in this website are the exclusive property of ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA and/or any third parties, who shall have the exclusive right to use them for financial purposes. Access to the website does not, in any case, entail any kind of waiver, transfer, granting or awarding to all or part of such rights, unless expressly stated.
Pursuant to the preceding paragraph, users of this site are forbidden to reproduce, copy, assign, distribute, modify or use in any other manner all or part of the information and contents of this website, without the previous written authorisation of ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA. The contents of this website cannot be entirely or partially reproduced, transferred or registered by any information recovery systems, in any manner or by any means, without the previous written authorisation of the aforementioned Entity.

ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA is the holder of the rights to the elements that make up the graphic design of this website, its menus, its HTML code, as well as any texts, trademarks, logos, colour combinations, buttons, images, graphics and any other website contents, as well as the structure, selection, order and showcasing of its contents, and, in any case, it has the corresponding authorisation for using such elements. The contents of this website cannot be entirely or partially reproduced, transferred or registered by any information recovery systems, in any manner or by any means, without the previous written authorisation of the aforementioned Entity.
Therefore, users are obliged to use this website, including its contents and services, in a correct and diligent manner, pursuant to the laws, ethical principles, usual costumes and practices, and public order, and in good faith, with strict adherence to the rights of intellectual property assigned to ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA.
Users are expressly prohibited to use this website for purposes which are unlawful, forbidden or damage third-party rights, or which may, in any way, damage the brand, image or reputation of ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA .

Users shall be liable for any damages caused to ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA as a consequence of lack of compliance with any of the obligations stated by the applicable terms.
In this sense, ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA reserves the right to start any legal actions required to protect its rights.


Personal data protection
The website collects personal data through different forms and by means of the e-mail address provided to contact us.
Such data shall be processed in accordance to the regulations valid from time to time regarding personal data protection and according to the privacy policy described on this website, that users are strongly encouraged to read before providing any personal data.
In any case, the forms used to collect personal data include an informative clause regarding the processing to which the data collected in each form shall be subject to.


Commercial communications
Pursuant to Act 34/2002, 11 July, on Information Society Services and E-commerce, users of the website are hereby informed that they shall not be sent unrequested advertising or commercial communications by e-mail or other equivalent electronic means without their previous consent, which must be obtained through any of the forms available for this purpose.
In any case, users may oppose or refuse to receive commercial information by electronic means by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and they must be offered this possibility in each communication that is sent to them.


Liability of the website owner
ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA does not guarantee that the contents are free of viruses or other elements, and therefore shall not be liable in any way for any damages that may be caused on the user’s devices or systems by computer viruses that may have accessed such systems or devices by the user’s browsing of this website.
In the same manner, the owner of the website does not control or guarantee continuous access or correct visualization, download or usefulness of any elements or information included on their website, which may be impaired or discontinued by factors or circumstances outside their control, and shall not be liable for any discontinuation, delay or malfunction in the service when such are caused by elements outside the control of ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA in case of force majeure, or due to misconduct or wrongful misconduct on the part of the user.
ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA shall not be liable in any manner for the contents and opinions by the website users or the information obtained from third-party websites which may be accessed through browsers or links to


Underage users
Although the website is not designed for underage users, they are nonetheless allowed to access the site. However, underage users wishing to request information can only do it by themselves when they are over 14. Under-14 users must address any questions through their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who may authorise the company to process the personal data of the minors; therefore, the parent, guardian or legal representative shall be entirely responsible for establishing the services and contents of this website that are appropriate for their wards.
ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA shall not be liable in any way if underage users provide their data disregarding the provisions of this paragraph.


See our cookies policies under the section “Cookies policy”


Links to from other websites
Any persons or entities other than ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA whose webpages link or intend to link to any pages under the domain must meet the following conditions:
Total or partial reproduction of any services or contents of is not allowed.
No false, incorrect, or inaccurate representation regarding or its services or content may be made.
Links do not involve the existence of a relationship between ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA and the owner of the website or webpage in which the link is featured, or the fact that ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA knows and approves the services and contents featured in such website.
ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL MENDI FILM FESTIVAL ELKARTEA shall not be responsible for the contents or services featured in the website or webpage linking to our own webpage, or for the information or representation made in such website or webpage.


Applicable law and jurisdiction
The website is in compliance with general current laws and regulations, including Organic Act 15/1999, 13 December, on Personal Data Protection; Royal Decree, 1720/2007, 21 December, which approves the Regulation for the development of the Organic Act on Personal Data Protection, and Act 34/2002, 11 July, of Services of the Information Society and E-Commerce.
Any controversy or dispute regarding the website shall be solved in accordance with the Spanish laws and regulations, and the competent courts shall be the courts of the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, with express renounce of the parties to any other court they may be entitled to.