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'Fandango' winner of 4th Mendi Short amateur contest

Fandango by basque amateur director Alex Areizaga was the short film winner of the 4th edition of the contest for amateur filmmakers Mendi Short.

On Saturday, December 16, this film will be screened in the morning session of the Sala BBK, along with the programming of the Official Section (tickets).

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Tickets for the 10th edition are now available

Mendi Tour 2017: more than 10,000 spectators

The Mendi Tour 2017 has been totally succesfull!

The year-round offer of the best films of the Mendi Film Festival has reached more than 10,000 spectators, a fact that proves that mountain cinema, in addition to enjoying good health, is in fashion.

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Tickets available for the Opening Ceremony: 'Mountain'

Get your tickets HERE.

The film Mountain will open the Official Section of the 10th edition at the Opening Ceremony of the Euskalduna Palace on December 8.

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10th Bilbao Mendi Film Festival SCHEDULE

The best of CVCEPHOTO in the Metro Bilbao

As is habitual throughout the months of November and December Metro Bilbao, and during the Festival the Sala BBK, will display the twenty photographs which CVCEPHOTO, the International Mountain photography contest, has chosen as winners, in its stations.

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The Jury of the 10th edition's Official Section

The artist Jesus Mari Lazkano and the film director Paul Urkijo, festival directors Deb Smythe and Nancy Rosenthal, and the alpinist Jack Tackle, will form the jury of the Official Section of the 10th edition of the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival.

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Ticket packs of the 10th Bilbao Mendi Film Festival with 50% discount

Get the ticket pack of Bilbao Mendi Film Festival's 10th edition that fits you best. Until October 15, the rebate will be of in winch 50% on last minute acquisitions.


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Catherine Destivelle, Lynn Hill, Josune Bereziartu and Edurne Pasaban at 10th Bilbao Mendi Film Festival

Catherine Destivelle, Lynn Hill, Josune Bereziartu, Edurne Pasaban, Bernadette McDonald, Katie Ives... Bilbao Mendi Film Festival will join them all at its 10th edition next 8-17 December.  They will take part at panel talks and individual conferences.

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30th September, expiry date for entries

Official Section


Solidarity with Mexico

A strong earthquake shakes Mexico once more. Our solidarity with those affected. Today and Thursday were days of Mendi Tour Mexico.


Savage Cinema will gather in San Sebastian the moviemaker Jennifer Peedom, actor Bérénice Bejo and the surfer Kai Lenny, among others

The San Sebastian International Film Festival's section Savage Cinema, will be the meeting point for many filmmakers, producers and athletes protagonists in its new edition. One of them is Jennifer Peedom, Director of the film Mountain, showing at the Zinemaldia these next days and at Bilbao Mendi Film Festival in December.

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San Sebastián International Film Festival presents the film Mountain in collaboration with BMFF


Savage Cinema 2017 Donostiako Zinemaldia

65th San Sebastián International Film Festival presents Mountain - A Feature Documentary, a poetical film honouring the beauty of summits underlied with narration of Willem Dafoe and a special soundtrack by the Australian Chamber Orchestra, that will see its premiere in San Sebastian in collaboration with the Bilbao International Mountain Film Festival.

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Mendi Short 4th edition

Mendi Short 2017


The registration for the 4th edition of Bilbao Mendi Film Festival's amateur short film contest is open till 12th November.


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The International Alliance for Mountain Film launches its new website

IAMF web

The International Alliance for Mountain Film is an association set up in the year 2000, with the aim of enhancing, conserving and making mountain films widespread.

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Alberto Zerain & Mariano Galván

Alberto Zerain ¬ Mariano Galván

The heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Alberto Zerain and Mariano Galván by the Mendi Film Festival.

The latest hopes from the Nanga Parbat have faded. 


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Ama Dablam


Laguntzailea / Colaborador

 Auto ofiziala / Vehículo oficial 

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