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'Hartz eta Otsoekin lotan' Mendi Short 2018 winner


The Mendi Short 2018 jury, made up of ETB sports director Joseba Urkiola, ETB journalist specialized in extreme and mountain sports, Anartz Agirre, and Mendi Short coordinator and journalist, Naia Díez, has decided that 'Hartz eta Otsoekin lotan' (sleeping with bears and wolves), by Iñaki Atxa, is the winning short film of the fifth edition of the contest.

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Immerse in the Metro Bilbao and enjoy the best of CVCEPHOTO

As in previous years, the 20 CVCEPHOTO award-winning photographs are displayed in some of the Metro Bilbao underground stations (Moyua and Abanto). They will also be displayed in the Sala BBK during the festival. The photographs being exhibited are those that are prize winners of this year’s International Mountain Activity photography competition, which is run by ‘Club Vasco de Camping Elkartea’ from San Sebastian.

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Mendi bete diru: exhibition of bank bills with mountain themes

Till December 31th the exhibition Mendi bete diru is exposed in the Basque Museum of Bilbao within the framework of the 11th edition of the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival. It is an exhibition produced by EMMOA-Basque Mountaineering Museum, which shows bank bills from around the world illustrated with mountain themes.

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Tickets will also be available at the Kutxabank multi-service ATMs,

and at the Sala BBK, Golem Alhóndiga cinemas and Euskalduna Conference Centre ticket offices

SCHEDULE #mendifilm 2018

14,000 spectators at the Mendi Tour 2018

Liébana-Potes, november 14th 2018. The Mendi Tour 2018 expedition comes to an end after the successful delivery of the European Mountain Film Days of Liébana-Potes, in Cantabria. In total 14,000 spectators have enjoyed this show of mountain cinema that has hosted 49 locations in Spain through the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival.

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'The Dawn Wall' and Tommy Caldwell will open the 11th Bilbao Mendi Film Festival

Bilbao Mendi Film Festival, which will be held from 7th to 16th December, announces its first big star of the Official Section: the movie The Dawn Wall and the presence of  its main character, the climber Tommy Caldwell.

The audience will have the chance to enjoy the Opening Ceremony of this 11th edition of the Mendi Film. Together with Caldwell, who will sign autographs for the audience after the screening, the film will be presented by Peter Mortimer ‒director, Sender Films‒ and Philipp Manderla ‒producer, Red Bull Media House‒.

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Tickets sale for the 11th edition starting on November 19th

Individual tickets for the 11th edition of the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival will go on sale from November 19 through Tickets will also be available at the Kutxabank multi-service ATMs, and at the Sala BBK, Golem Alhóndiga cinemas and Euskalduna Conference Centre ticket offices.

The tickets that are already available are those of the Opening Ceremony on December 7th at the Euskalduna Conference Centre. The film THE DAWN WALL will open the Official Section of the Festival at that first session.

The main character of the film, the climber Tommy Caldwell, the director Peter Mortimer and the producer Philipp Manderla will introduce it.

The programme and the 57 films of the 11th edition of the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival

Here you have the program and the 57 films that will be screened in the 11th edition of Bilbao Mendi Film Festival (December 7-16).

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Last phase of sale of Tickets Packs with discounts of up to 40% of the Mendi Film


Third and last phase of sale of Tickets Packs with discount for the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival that will be held from December 7 to December 16, 2018. If you buy your pack of tickets for the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival 2018 before November 12, you will be able to take advantage of discounts of between 33 and 40% with respect to the final price that said tickets will have at the box office.

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Mendi Short 5th edition

The registration for the 5th edition of Bilbao Mendi Film Festival's amateur short film contest is open till 11th November.


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Juanjo San Sebastián WOP Foundation Award of the 11th edition of the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival

The mountaineer and writer Juanjo San Sebastián will be the guest of honour of this 11th edition of the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival. He will receive the WOP ‒The Walk On Project Foundation Award‒ for his defence and transmission of the social values ​​of mountaineering.

This will be the fifth edition in which the Award is given by the The Walk On Project Foundation, and Juanjo San Sebastián will join the exclusive group of great mountaineering personalities that have already been awarded: Josep Manuel Anglada, Sir Chris Bonington and Peter Habeler, along with the film Drawn by Jeremy Collins.

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The Jury of Bilbao Mendi Film Festival 11th edition

We are proud to present the Jury of the Official Selection of Bilbao Mendi Film Festival's 11th edition: 

Aldo Audisio, Emi Ueyama, Jim Herrington, Suzan Beraza and Juanjo San Sebastian.

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Piotr Atanasow

Piotr Atanasow, whom everyone remembers as an affable man powerful in stature, left us on 24 July. He was a fundamental point of reference, for all the mountaineering and film contacts in Bulgaria.

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Tickets available for the Opening Ceremony 2018

Bilbao. Tickets with discount (13€ / 15€) for the Opening Ceremony of the 11th edition of Bilbao Mendi Film Festival (7 December) are available. The first film of the Official Section BMFF 2018 will be screened at that session. 

Packs 1st offer SOLD OUT! More Packs will be available from 15th September onwards.
Don´t miss the opportunity and enjoy MENDI with up to 50% discount!

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Tickets available for the 11th edition of Bilbao Mendi Film Festival

Bilbao. Tickets for the 11th edition of Bilbao Mendi Film Festival (7-16 December) wiil be available from June 15. This is about the individual tickets for the Opening Ceremony –where the first film of the Official Section BMFF 2018 will be screened-, and four different types of Tickets Packs with discounts of more than 50%:

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'Learning to Fly' by Rainer Eder BMFF 2018 image

CVCEPHOTO announces the winners of its 4th edition in a beautiful act at the Teatro Principal of Donostia-San Sebastián. Among them, the work of the Austrian-Swiss photographer Rainer Eder Learning to Fly, Bilbao Mendi Film Festival 2018 Poster Award, and from now on the official image of the Mendifilm's 11th edition (7-16 December 2018).

Zorionak! Congrats!

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