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10,000 spectators in Mendi Tour 2019

We are thrilled! The Mendi Tour reaches 10,000 viewers within the first five months of the year.

10,000 viewers at film screenings. Simply spectacular!

Thank you!

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Mendi Tour: Arrasate, Zarautz, Azpeitia, Orio, Berrobi

Film submission period for the 12th Mendi Film Festival open till 15th of september



Bilbao Mendi Film Festival opens the film registration period for its 12th edition, to be held between December 6th and 15th 2019. The producers, directors and directors interested, must submit their works before September 15.

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Mendi Tour 2019

Keith Partridge IAMF Grand Prize 2019

Keith Partridge received the IAMF Grand Prize 2019 at Trento Film Festival. The Director of Bilbao Mendi Film Festival Jabier Baraiazarra gave him the honorable trophee as the President of the International Alliance for Mountain Film.

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BMFF awarded at the Deia Kirol Sariak 2018

Jabier Baraiazarra and Eduardo Martínez joined on stage by Counselor of Culture and Linguistic Policy Bingen Zupiria

Bilbao Mendi Film Festival has received the Sports Event Organization Award at the Kirol Sariak 2018 of the newspaper DEIA.

The oldest of the Biscayan press awards recognizes the work that during 11 editions -7 of them in Bilbao- the Mendi has done in the dissemination of the best mountain cinema, a fact that makes Bilbao the center of attention worldwide during the celebration of the festival in December.

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5th CVCEPHOTO edition to get the Mendi Film Festival 2019 poster

The international mountain activity photography contest CVCEPHOTO promoted by the Club Vasco de Camping Elkartea of Donostia-San Sebastián, will close entries for its 5th edition on 31th March 2019.

Among the prizes offered, the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival Poster Award, worth 700 euros and the honor of being the official image of the 12th edition of the Mendi Film Festival, is announced for the third consecutive year.

Information and rules: 5th CVCEPHOTO

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The Director of BMFF Jabier Baraiazarra new President of the IAMF

Bilbao, March 6, 2018. The International Alliance for Mountain Film-IAMF has renewed its board team this past weekend at the meeting held at the Domzale Festival in Slovenia. The Director of the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival is the new President, a position that will hold the next three years. The IAMF is composed of 23 mountain film festivals plus the Musseo Nazionale della Montagna in Turin, and BMFF has been a member since 2011.

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'Becoming who I was' Gran Prize of the 11th Bilbao Mendi Film Festival

The Korean film Becoming who I was directed by Moon Chang-Yong and Jin Jeon, has been awarded with the Grand Prize of the Mendi Film Festival, the main prize of the 11 prize winners of the 11th edition. On Sunday,16th, day of Non Stop sessions composed of award-winning films, will be announced the last one, the Audience Award, an audience that has enjoyed an edition that continues to attract more and more followers.

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Bilbao Mendi Film Festival sets a new record and over 12,000 people attended all screenings

Bilbao, 17th December 2018. Mendi Film Festival closes its 11th edition with a historic increase. The mountaineering film festival gathers the most recent productions of this genre and its attendance has reached 12,008 people.

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Juanjo San Sebastián WOP Foundation Award 2018

The mountaineer and writer Juanjo San Sebastián has been the guest of honour of this 11th edition of the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival. He has received the WOP ‒The Walk On Project Foundation Award‒ for his defense and transmission of the social values ​​of mountaineering.

This has been the fifth edition in which the Award is given by the The Walk On Project Foundation, and Juanjo San Sebastián will join the exclusive group of great mountaineering personalities that have already been awarded: Josep Manuel Anglada, Sir Chris Bonington and Peter Habeler, along with the film Drawn by Jeremy Collins.

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The IAMF Grand Prize was for Kurt Diemberger

Ever since the founding of the International Alliance for Mountain Film (IAMF) in February 2000, its members have been interested in celebrating those who, through their talent, have changed the world of mountain film. IAMF members wish to express their gratitude to the filmmakers, directors and producers who have contributed throughout their careers – through loyalty and dedication, and with little regard for personal profit — to the evolution of mountain film into the prominent genre that it is today.

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Programación sesiones Non Stop del domingo 16 de diciembre

Great Festival start to Sold Out rhythm

Mountain culture is all over Bilbao these days. The 11th edition kicked off last Friday at the Euskalduna Palace with 1,600 spectators, and all tickets were sold out. At the Opening Ceremony, the movie The Dawn Wall was screened, and we welcomed its main character Tommy Caldwell and director Peter Mortimer.

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Meeting of the International Alliance for Mountain Film in Bilbao

The directors of the most relevant  mountain film festivals on the  international stage are celebrating their  AGM in Bilbao this year, in order to examine the mountain film industry's present and near future. The Director of the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival, Jabier Baraiazarra, is the current President of the IAMF-International Alliance for Mountain Film.

The meeting was held this morning in the Palace of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, in which the international representation of the IAMF was received by the General Deputy of Bizkaia Unai Rementeria, and the Deputy of Euskera and Culture Lorea Bilbao.

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'The Dawn Wall' with Tommy Caldwell and Peter Mortimer hangs the Sold Out

1600 Mendi fans will enjoy in the Euskalduna Palace with THE DAWN WALL with its protagonist Tommy Caldwell and the director of the film Peter Mortimer.

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