Director of the film '2T on Chamlang' 

If anything distinguishes Solé Karen Hughes is his versatility both in performance and in assembling and editing all the projects it has addressed. Since 8 years, when she licensed in Audiovisual Communication at the Ramon Llull University of Barcelona, ​​hes work ranges from short films selected in the festival of Sitges as "40 degrees" to a large number of known commercials, to music videos, multimedia or documentary pieces between which include "Xesco Boix. Vull be lliure" or "The Gospel X-perience". Hence each of his creations join synergies in other fields, always getting an original and different approach, therefore the vision that brings her experience in various genres, such as mastery of editing, which allows her to enter new production formulas. It is not the first time that she collaborates with WOP project. Last year presented ‘2t on Paiju Peak’ at Bilbao Mendi Film Festival and this year brings us ‘2T on Chamlang.’

The film will be presented at the Sala BBK on December 19, at 7:30pm.