Protagonist of the film '2T on Chamlang'

In his case, the mountaineering is almost a genetic inheritance, since his father, Angel, participated in the first Basque expedition to Everest in the 70s, then John has registered nine of the 14 'eight-thousanders' without ever losing sight rock climbing or ice to become one of the most consistent climbers of the country. He displays a curriculum that extends from Patagonia to the Himalayas, passing through the walls of reference of the planet. His strength and experience make him a fellow climber exceptional, in that they all want to have at hand when the situation is complicated. Firefighter as profession, on leave since 1999, expect to retire, however, as a mountaineer.

He comes to the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival to present the film ‘2T on Chamlang’ that narrates his expedition to Chamlang. This fall, particularly on 19 October, the WOPEAK expedition formed by the alpinits Alberto Iñurrategi, Juan Vallejo and Mikel Zabalza and the cameraman Juanjo Otazu, crowned the Nepalese mountain.

The film will be presented in the Sala BBK on Saturday 19 December, at 7:30pm.