Bilbao Mendi Film Festival opens today in Metro Bilbao the photographic exhibition of the winning works in the competition CVCEPHOTO

The 19 best pictures of the event will dress seven underground stations from today until December 31


Bilbao, November 9, 2015. Once again, Bilbao Mendi Film Festival brings to the bowels of the city the most striking shots of the mountain world captured by the best professionals of the media. In this edition, thanks to the collaboration with the ‘Club Vasco de Camping Elkartea’ of Donostia, the most outstanding photographs of the first CVCEPHOTO international competition have been presented, where more than 700 pictures taken by 273 participants from 52 countries were received. Besides the great artistic and technical quality of the photographs, the jury also assessed the quality of the mountain activities that are shown in them.

The 19 spectacular images captured by renowned photographers such as Petr Piechowicz, Fredrik Schenholm and Paul Bride show the mountain, the nature and the activities that take place there in an impressive way.

The exhibition will cover the stations of Santutxu, Indautxu, Deusto and Portugalete from today until November 30. The photographs  will be moved to the stations of Casco Viejo, Abando and Moyua, from December 1 to December 31.


Stations: Santutxu (Karmelo), Indautxu (Urquijo), Deusto (Lehendakari Agirre) and Portugalete (Carlos VII)

2015 01/12/2015-31/12/2015

Stations: Casco Viejo (Unamuno),  Abando (Renfe) and Moyua (Ercilla, Elcano)