The adventurer Sebastián Álvaro is going be distinguished with the WOP-The Walk On Project 2021 Award from the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia. The conferment is going to take place during the 14th edition of the festival, which will be held between 3rd and 12th of December this year in Bilbao.

This prize is given for the defence of the values of mountaineering, which the WOP Foundation is awarding for the 8th consecutive year within the framework of The Mendifilm. "It is an honour for us to recognise, with this award, Sebastián Álvaro, 'Sebas', for his defence, among other things, of the values of effort, overcoming barriers and limits, commitment, solidarity, authenticity, teamwork and the pursuit of his dreams", highlights Mikel Renteria, general director of WOP.

Journalist, filmmaker and mountaineer, he is the creator and director of the famous television programme 'Al filo de lo imposible' (Verging  on The Impossible). This documentary series changed the conception had about adventure and mountaineering in Spain. For several decades, he travelled with his team to some of the most beautiful, remote and unexplored places on the planet. More than 200 expeditions and 300 documentaries have made him one of the people who has made the most trips to the inhospitable places in the world. Mountaineering and exploration are masters to us of educational values such as effort, self-improvement and teamwork, Sebastián Álvaro always highlights.

Born in Madrid (November 23rd 1950), and author of almost 20 books on mountaineering, over the last 40 years, 'Sebas' has been and is one of the main disseminators of all times, of these values associated with mountaineering, understood as being the school of life. He has also made possible countless adventures and expeditions that have marked the lives of many of the great mountaineers of our land. These adventures have also served, in their masterly narration, as an inspiration for many generations of people who have experienced through them what is  the emotion, the adventure and what is our place in the midst of nature. And all of this with an ever commited eye on the environment in which they took place. Sebas' has managed throughout all these years to make us feel that we are a team that reverberates with these inspiring values.

For all of these reasons, we are thrilled and proud to present Sebastián Álvaro with the "WOP Foundation Award for the defence and transmission of the social values of mountaineering" within the framework of the BBK Mendifilm Bilbao-Bizkaia 2021", Mikel Renteria, the WOP General director, remarked.


WOP Award-BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia: