This November Kazuya Hiraide, mountaineer with three Piolet d'Or, will visit different European cities to tell his experience in the mountains. It will premiere on November 22 in Bilbao, as a prelude to BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia 2022, at the Euskalduna Palace. The mountaineer will approach his sports career since 2002, emphasizing the expeditions that have earned him the three Piolet d'Or, and, above all, valuing the failures that have occurred in that path that have led him to achieve these achievements.


22th november: Bilbao – Palacio Euskalduna (20h) - TICKETS

24th november: Barcelona

26th november: Moralzarzal (Madrid)

28th november: Munich (Alemania)

30th november: Lecco (Italia)