Jabier Baraiazarra and Eduardo Martínez joined on stage by Counselor of Culture and Linguistic Policy Bingen Zupiria

Bilbao Mendi Film Festival has received the Sports Event Organization Award at the Kirol Sariak 2018 of the newspaper DEIA.

The oldest of the Biscayan press awards recognizes the work that during 11 editions -7 of them in Bilbao- the Mendi has done in the dissemination of the best mountain cinema, a fact that makes Bilbao the center of attention worldwide during the celebration of the festival in December.

On behalf of the Mendi, its President Eduardo Martínez, and its Director and President of the International Alliance for Mountain Film-IAMF Jabier Baraiazarra, received the award at the ceremony held on Wednesday night at the Euskalduna Palace of Bilbao.

DEIA Sports Awards 2018

Best Basque Sportsman Kerman Lejarraga

Best Basque Sportswoman Eider Merino

The safest player Athletic Award Aritz Aduriz

Most regular player Athletic Award Raúl García

Last pass Athletic Award Markel Susaeta

Best female player Athletic Award Lucía García

Best male pelota player Joseba Ezkurdia

Best female pelota player Patri Espinar

Fernando Castro Award Koteto Ezkurra

Best basque cyclist Omar Fraile

MVP Basket Naiara Díez

Best basque team Euskadi-Murias

Bizkaia Saria Award Kukullaga

Sports progression Saioa Aguirre

Revelation sportsman Natxo González

Basque sports Tug of war basque national team

Best rowing team Urdaibai

Trajectory Miguel Madariaga and Igor Antón

Team trajectory Santutxu CF

Sports event organization Bilbao Mendi Film Festival

Eduardo Martínez and Jabier Baraiazarra with Big Wave surfer Natxo González