Euskalduna 13 Dic 19:45 Euskalduna 13 Dic 19:45 GLAZIARRAK AGURTZEN: ANETO - AIREA, BIG WATER THEORY


2024, Spain, 16min

Director: Iker Larrañaga


2025 will be the International Year of the Protection of Glaciers. We are going to visit four glaciers in the Pyrenees, Aneto, Infiernos, Perdido, and Vignemale, guided by glaciologist Eñaut Izagirre Estibaritz: In addition to travelling through some of the most beautiful landscapes and corners of the mountain range, we are going to travel back in time through a virtual production and augmented reality. In this chapter we will climb the Aneto glacier with weather presenter Arnaitz Fernández. Together with Eñaut, they will analyse the damage caused by climate change to glaciers, one from the perspective of physics and the other as a glaciologist and mountaineer.


2024, France, 83min

Director: Emile Dominé


French kayak superstar Nouria Newman and two childhood friends, Jules Domine and Maël Nguyen, navigate one of the world’s most challenging sections of whitewater: the Rondu Gorge of the Indus River, in Pakistan. This is a powerful and inspiring look at the world of extreme kayaking, set against the stunning backdrop of the Karakoram mountains.

Euskalduna 13 Dic 19:45 Euskalduna 13 Dic 19:45 GLAZIARRAK AGURTZEN: ANETO - AIREA, BIG WATER THEORY

Event Information
Event Date 13-12-2024 19:45
Event End Date 13-12-2024 21:30
Individual Price 8€ + Management fees / 10€ box office
Location Euskalduna Jauregia

Location Map