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Bilbao, 24 November 2023. The presentation of the exhibition, HARRI, ORRI, ARkatz, took place today. The exhibition showcases illustrated works of climbing and mountain art & topos and was held at the site that the founders of Bilbao first settled, the Aztarnategia/Yacimiento museum. This is the largest exhibition of its type staged internationally, with contributions from authors from all over the world, and is the ideal setting for the book titled: EL ARTE EN EL CROQUIS DE ESCALADA / ART IN CLIMBING TOPOS.
The Mendi Tour 2023 circuit, has once again reached all of Spain, starting from the Basque Country. Mountain cinema sessions have been screened in 53 towns and cities -last year there were 46-, attracting 14,000 spectators and a 25% increase on last season's figure.
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