Born in Bilbao, filmmaker and associate professor in the Department of Audiovisual Communication of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) since 2004. She has been a visiting professor at the University of Nevada (USA), at the CUNY in New York (USA), at the University of Lund (Sweden), at Toulouse II - Le Mirail (France), etc. He co-founded the production company Pimpi & Nella Films in 2014, together with the visual artist Saioa Etxebarria to be able to freely produce his own projects. Her filmography as director and producer includes "Irrintziaren Oihartzunak" (2016), "Lurralde Hotzak" (2018) and "Tetouan" (2022). His films have been screened at international festivals and film libraries all around the world (Berlin, Madrid, Genoa, Seoul, Quebec, Montevideo, Barcelona...). He is currently working on the development of "All the roads are open" (2024).