1st of November to 9th of January


Author: Arantza Saez de Lafuente

The natural area of wildland of Atxarte is located in the Urkiola Natural Park. A gorge in a valley squeezed between the Untzillaitz, Aitz Txiki and Alluitz mountains. Set among beeches, oaks, limestone and the river, there you will find the Chapel of Santo Cristo de Atxarte, the stone bridge and the remains of the old Atxarte mill. The ruins of the old Atxarte quarries can still be found among such beauty. These quarries exploited the rocky area where the Atxarte Climbing School is located for decades. A natural place where climbers opened the first routes more than 70 years ago, and today, people of all ages and conditions enjoy this landscape in the middle of nature.