8th of december, 11:00

Place: Mendi Base Camp Aterpe Gela. Edificio Ensanche. (Pza. Ensanche, Bilbao)

REGISTRATION: Club Vasco de Camping Calle Prim 35 bajo. 20006 Donostia Tl: 943271866 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Only 20 spots available

The Association ‘Club Vasco de Camping Elkartea’ exhibits it’s CVCEPHOTO (International Mountain Activity photography competition), at which it will display the 20 award-winning pictures of this year’s edition.

Throughout the workshop, a guided tour to the metro station will be organised to see each and every one of the photographs; furthermore, some of the authors will attend too as Rainer Eder, the author of the photo of this year edition´s poster, Kasia Biernacka and Phil Bence. The objective of this workshop is to promote mountain activities via photography and vice versa.