Jack Tackle is known for his climbing in Alaska from the seventies crossing the threshold of the present century. He's done over 35 major expeditions to Alaska and 17 first ascents, including Denali’s Isis Face, Mt. Hunter’s Diamond Arête, Foraker’s Viper Ridge, Mt. Barille’s Cobra Pillar, four new routes on Mt. Huntington massif... His expeditions include Mt. Everest West Expedition, Biafo Spires, Uzam Braak, and Biantha Braak (Ogre), in Pakistan, Cordilleras Blanca and Huayhuash in Peru and Kashmir in India.

Jack is a former three term Director and Treasurer of the American Alpine Club.

He is the recipient of the American Alpine Club’s coveted Underhill Award for climbing achievement (1999), the recipient of the Trento Film Festival and Italian Alpine Club award Genziana Giovanne (1999), and the American Alpine Club’s Sowles Award (2003). 

Jack is a certified AMGA Alpine Guide.