Director of the film ‘Urzulo’  

Xanti Ugarte is 3rd year student of ‘Design and Creation’ in the UPV/EHU. His passion to the mountain comes from since he was a child, and recently he has a new hobby: videocreation, that´s  why he has participated in the recording and editing of videoclips and climbing videos. In ‘Urzulo’, besides being the director, he has also done filming and editing. As he say, ‘it has been a very rewarding work and I have done wiith great enthusiasm .’ Despite his youth, he has already participated in several competitions with his short films: Oñatiko Laburmetrai Rallya,  Eskoriatzako Laburmetrai Rallya, Cinnovast,  Zinemakumeak,  Auzolandegiak Spot lehiaketa  and Otxarmetraje and Un Dedo De Espuma Spot lehiaketa, among others.

 The film will be shown in the Sala BBK on December 18, at 5:00pm.