Collaborator of the 'Course about training methods and pathologies in climbing'

When he was barely 14, Mikel Linazisoro (Bergara, Gipuzkoa, 2000) became, on the 14th June 2015, Champion of Europe of under-16 Climbing. His career is unstoppable. He started climbing when he was 8 and, when he was 10, he climbed his first 7a; at the age of 11, his first 8a; when he was 12, his first 8a+ and so on. In 2011, he became champion of the Basque Country at under-14 level, and in 2012, champion of Spain at under-16 level and champion of the Basque Country of under-16 boulder. In 2013, he won once again the under-16 level Championship of the Basque Country and he reached the second place in the under-16 level Championship of Spain and in the under-16 level Spain Cup. In 2014, Mikel was 5th in the worldwide ranking of under-16 IFSC (International Federation Sport Climbing) and he became champion of Spain at under-16 level.