He will present his book ‘Anboto’ and his lecture ‘Anboto, imagen de un mundo flotante’ (‘Anboto, image of a floating world’)

Imanol Marrodan (Bilbao, 1964) is an interdisciplinary creative and critical thinker who has focused his work within the framework of research and contemporary artistic creation. His work has appeared in numerous international contemporary art fairs as ARCO, VALENCIA ART ART DFOTO Santander (Spain), and KUNST ART COLOGNE KÖLN (Germany), KIAF (Seoul, Korea), ArteBA (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and BALELATINA (Basel, Switzerland); also has sbeen present in important collections of museums and public and private institutions such as the Precious Metals Laboratory of the Basque Government, the Museum of Art and History of Durango, Artium, Navarra´s Museum, the Centre for Art and Nature of Huesca, Photomuseum of Zarautz, the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, the Provincial Museum of Cuenca, Albacete Municipal Museum ... among many others.

He has exhibited in countries like United Kingdom, France, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, Korea, Argentina, and the United States. He has always been in touch with nature and the mountains, and has been climber and mountaineer. Hiss main activity is focused on the decades of 80 and 90. His usual training environment have been Atxarte walls in Abadiño. His ascents are mainly focused in the Pyrenees, Picos de Europa and the Alps.

He will be signing books in Sala BBK, on 19 December, at 11:00.

The conference will take place in Sala BBK, on 19 December, at 11:30.