Protagonist of the film '2T on Chamlang' and the 'Panel Talk: the challenge'

The climber and mountaineer from Aretxabaleta (Basque Country) Alberto Iñurrategi is the tenth mountaineer that has managed to crown the 14 'eight-thousanders'. He is characterized by his alpine style ascents; without oxygen, fixed ropes and extra support infrastructure. Iñurrategi is part of the collective imagination of the Basque himalayism, a benchmark that will accompany us in the talk about "The Challenge" that he will keep with the chef Eneko Atxa, and the presentation of the film '2T on Chamlang' that narrates his expedition to Chamlang. This fall, particularly on 19 October, the WOPEAK expedition formed by the alpinitas Alberto Iñurrategi, Juan Vallejo and Mikel Zabalza and the cameraman Juanjo Otazu, crowned the Nepalese mountain.

The film will be presented in the Sala BBK on Saturday 19 December at 7:30pm.

The conversation between Alberto Iñurrategi and Eneko Atxa will take place at Sala BBK Saturday December 12 at 11:30am.