The ticket sale of the upcoming 12th edition of the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia is going great. We've sold out 10 days before closing the discount period of the 2nd round of Ticket Packs (Sept. 16 - Oct. 16). Same happened during last June's offer -only for members of the MendiZale community-, in which all discounts sold out in only 24 hours.

From the 17th October to the 11th November, the 3rd and final phase of offers will be activated. Don't miss out, as there'll be substantial discounts.

Buy tickets now for the Opening Ceremony of the 12th edition of the BBK Mendi Film Bilbao-Bizkaia next 6th December 2019 at the Euskalduna Palace.

BUY TICKETS for the Opening Ceremony