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2021, Poland, 46min

Director: Jakub Gzela

Two peaks, two friends and two ski descents. Andrzej Bargiel and Jędrek Baranowski create their own story in the Karakoram. The Karakoram Ski expedition aimed to climb and ski on two peaks located in the Hushe Valley: The Yawash Sar II peak (6,178 m) and the Laila peak (6,096 m). The other objective of the expedition was to explore new areas in search of objectives for future trips. The expedition was fulfilled to 100% of their expectations. They managed to conquer both peaks, and ski down them, with only day’s difference.


Erakundeak / Instituciones / Institutions



Ama Dablam


Laguntzailea / Colaborador

 Auto ofiziala / Vehículo oficial 

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