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Aitor Elduaien

Press department and Presenter

Not only is he a presenter, entertainer, narrator and interviewer with many resources, but also a journalist with vast experience. He applies now his knowledge in the press department of the Mendifilm, and at the same time he continues with the work of presenter. He is fast, dynamic and able to show diverse facets and registers. For him the perfect plan would be a combination of nature and sport. But if we add the Mendi Film Festival, the plan becomes unbeatable. He has been the presenter of the ‘Mendi’ ever since the first edition, back in 2008. 

Gorka Baraiazarra

Direction assistant

Mechanic engineer, interested on technology ever since he was a child. He is one of the most versatile people in the festival. He has had lots of different positions: technician, webmaster, production assistant, translator, manager of the international relationships… He is everywhere, always trying to lend a hand and help wherever it is necessary. He is the kind of person who will not stop until he comes up with the right solution. Furthermore he always tries to take time to go cycling or play pelota (jai alai), but especially to play bass and sing with his band.

Arrate Landaluze

Head of the Translation Department

With a BA in Translation and Interpreting and a MA in Audiovisual Translation, this youngster exiled in London has been trying to carve out a future in audiovisual translation. She started working for the Mendi Film Festival back in 2013, where her duties involved both subtitling and interpreting; nowadays, she has become Head of the Translation Department. She describes herself as hard-working, creative, ironic and ambassador of procrastination. Among her innumerable hobbies, we could point out cinema, literature, impressionist art and Athletic. But any plan will be amazing as long as it includes her friends!


Erakundeak / Instituciones / Institutions



Ama Dablam


Laguntzailea / Colaborador

 Auto ofiziala / Vehículo oficial 

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