The 50th edition of the magazine ‘Alpinist’ is on sale now. To celebrate this special edition, the publication shows its best face. One of the major figures of the last edition of the Mendi Film Festival Bilbao, artist and climber Jeremy Collins (, has created two covers for a very special publication.



In addition, the followers of ‘Mendi’ have a special offer to subscribe to both ‘Alpinist’ and ‘Backcountry’ magazines: 

  • One-year subscription to ‘Alpinist’ (4 editions) for US$ 59.
  • One-year subscription to ‘Backcountry’ (6 editions) for US$ 32.

Those followers of the Bilbao Mendi Film Festival who want to take out a subscription to the magazines will have to use the code MENDI15 when entering their personal data in the following links:

To create these unique covers for the 50th edition of ‘Alpinist’, Collins has worked very hard. After considering several options and having long conversations with editor in chief Katie Ives and art director Mike Lorenz, they have chosen again the initial option, the option they thought of from the beginning. The smiles of the climbers Barry Blanchard and Kitty Calhoun seemed perfect in order to represent the attitude they wanted to show. Collins wanted to portray the exact moment when the climber realizes that there is no other place she or he would rather be. According to the illustrator, the mountains that can be seen on Banchard’s and Calhoun’s sunglasses represent the dream peaks, the endless summits, based on the Arrigetch peaks from the north of Alaska. According to Collins, the reflection of the peaks shows how far they have gone and everything that is yet to come.

Both versions of the cover of the 50th edition of Alpinist, the one with Barry Blanchard —in orange— and the one with Kitty Calhoun —in green— are now available. Choose the one you like!