Bilbao Mendi Film Festival reinforces its image on the network with the new design of its website. It is a more dynamic, fresh, agile and comfortable site, with more modern and appealing aesthetics.



In our website you can find information about the festival: our film programme and all the parallel activities carried out both during the ten days of the festival and during the rest of the year, information on the environment, on the city, and also on the team that makes possible the festival.

Our new website gives the opportunity to easily access the rules and registration form to those who want to compete in the official section with their work, and also to those who want to take part in other competitions organized by the BMFF.

For the media now it will be much easier to get accredited, to consult the press releases and to have access to multimedia contents.

The festival also offers access to all the volunteers who want to join the ‘Mendi’ team.

Users can enjoy the TV Mendi videos and the large collection of photographs of the festival easily and quickly.

And for those who want to organize a Tour Mendi, the page displays all the movies and options available with just one click.